The book of eli 2010 solara character analysis

In regards to the road, the people they meet have mostly become scavengers and cannibals. How he controls the fearsome bald guy is hard to say. The book of eli and the sacred journey of collapse. As the good book says he quotes from it so many times. He soon forces solara to tell him if eli was reading a book, and realizes elis book is the one he wantsa bible. His character wants to get the book eli washington is guarding. If someone consumes human brain and nervous system tissue, such as the spinal cord, they risk developing kuru, a disease related to creutzfeldtjakob aka mad cow disease. Scenes in which eli defends the book with his life are extremely convicting as a christian, and thoughtprovoking for nonbelievers. The professional, drexl spivey in true romance, egor korshunov in air force one, mason verger in hannibal, jeanbaptiste emanuel zorg. The book of eli is an oldfashioned western dressed up in postapocalyptic rags. The book of eli was directed by twins, albert and allen hughes. Im at a loss for words, so let me say these right away. I saw the book of eli the other night, and ever since, ive been telling all my friends to drop what theyre doing and go see it before it leaves theaters. It just shows that the films tone is all over the place, which makes all the heavy style seem messy and lazy.

Introduction this story is about jonathan livingston seagull by richard bach. The book of eli is a stylish film that is reminiscent of i am legend and other postapocalyptic stories, though it carves out a niche for itself due to its strong characters and its central theme. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading the book of eli solara. Eli sunday there will be blood posted by hugo stiglitz on 22216 at 9. Posted in the book of eli and tagged apocalypse, bible, biblical, books, character analysis, death, destruction, humanity, loss of humanity, movie, postapocalypse, whatis on april 2, 2014 by sarah. The verse of shadow, is the story of solara and her mission to save her blind mother from carnegie. It could be that the movie was meant to highlight that despite even a fatal wound eli was supernaturally protected so that he. Movie news for the book of eli box office prophets.

The book of eli book of eli 2010 mila kunis as solara. Eli tells carnegies adopted daughter solara kunis that he has been. In this scene we see the main character eli with his companion solara in what looks like an abandoned silo, sitting around a fire. The legend of solara walker afalstein the book of eli.

Despite a few quibbles, this film will likely make my top 10 for 2010. He was wellarmed and welltrained, but even so he was surprised to meet her, solara walker, as people had begun to call her. Carnegie initially tries to lure eli into complacency, distracting him from his divine mission. The book of eli 2010 solara makes a stand scene 810. The book of eli more than just an excellent movie warning. Solara mila kunis attacks carnegies gary oldman men and makes an escape, killing redridge ray stevenson in the process. Touch me again with that hand and you wont get it back. Good character because you want to hate him more than a bad guy already. In one of the films stranger sequences, eli and solara meet an old couple on the road who first try to capture them, then act nice, then try to eat them and then try to save them. A road warrior of a different sort, the title character played by denzel washington in the book of eli.

Cwv 101 media worldview analysis worksheet with instructions hello class, to complete this assignment as worksheet, follow the instructions below and actually complete your work on this worksheet. With denzel washington, mila kunis, ray stevenson, gary oldman. The book of eli is a 2010 american postapocalyptic neowestern action film directed by the. Solara roots through elis pack, just wanted to see the book. The world eli inhabits is a scorched wasteland, plagued by drought, cannibalism, and illiteracy. The book of eli our purpose, as a christian, is to worship and glorify god.

Just like eli helps solara, jesus often digressed from the path of saving isreal so that he could help others, even gentiles. The two continue to alcatraz island where things from the old civilization are preserved. Being a loner, eli prefers to go his own way, but he may not have a choice. I was unable to find this scene, but toward the beginning, solara is sent to elis room to sexually satisfy him. My chosen movie for that saturday afternoon was the book of eli, directed by the hughes brothers with denzel washington as the lead character. The book of eli centers on a lone hero named eli washington who must fight his way across the wasteland of post apocalyptic america to protect. At the end of the movie the camera shoots closeup to his eyes. For instance, to protect themselves from the harsh sunlight, all the characters wear sunglasses or goggles, but rather than rendering them impersonal or distant, they only ramp up the movies cool factor. The book of eli is a 2010 american postapocalyptic neowestern action film directed by the hughes brothers, written by gary whitta, and starring denzel washington, gary oldman, mila kunis, ray stevenson, and jennifer beals. We are to live as close to christlike as we can and we are to tell others the gospel so they can make the decision to follow god also. The visual effects are stunning, the story line is rich, and the plot is full of twists and turns that are ultimately redemptive. Eli biblical figure beware the book of eli list of black films of the 2010s.

Carnegie presses his blind lover claudia jennifer beals to send her daughter, solara mila kunis, to at least convince eli to spend the night by sleeping with him. Eli tells solara that its time to go, explaining that martha had the shakes because the couple are cannibals who ate their victims and likely have drugged the tea. The book of elis storyline is strong, with only a few mishaps. The other main character in the film is called solarasun and she is the final character followed at the end.

Amidst the crumbling buildings of toronto, in the loosely scattered townspeople collected there, she met a man from alcatraz. The verse of shadow kindle edition by hairston, charles. She apologizes for losing elis book but eli responds that its time he put the lessons he learned to use. The book that he manages to memorize and that he can recite with visionary ease. This story is a fantold expansion of the original 2010 movie the book of eli starring denzel washington eli and mila kunis solara. Solara sees eli has a book, and he offers to share his food, saying grace before they eat. If signed, oldman would play carnegie, the despot of a small town without necessary services and, oddly, laws. The road and the book of eli have similar plot lines, both representing a post apocalyptic society devoid of humanity, with a main characters representing the spark of humanity, or the breath of god.

They say the war tore a hole in the sky, youve probably heard the stories. As they leave, carnegies caravan passes and sees the pair exiting the house. Spoilers every clue in the book of eli that explains the. Eli believes that god has enabled him to have the book for a good reason.

And in the same way eli knows his mission is imperative, jesus knew the needs of the world were too big for one human body restricted to a 70year life span no less to resolve. At one point, eli is injured, yet he continues to walk down the path he started at the beginning. It grips your attention, and then at the end throws in several wtf. In his sack were many copies of elis book, and of others. She puts him in the car and he treats the gun shot wound with duct tape. The girl sees elis book, and when carnegie finds out he beats her mother until she reveals what she saw. From then on, carnegie begins an insane quest to capture the book at all costs even if it means killing dozens of other people in the process. Eli is the man with one name who ambles into a backwater burg in search of water and comes face to face with evil in the form of carnegie gary oldman, who is involved with the blind claudia jennifer beals while he pursues claudias nubile daughter solara mila kunis.

The book of eli denzel washington interview youtube. Denzel washington in the book of eli 2010 denzel washington at an event for the. Even better, through several memorable scenes, eli begins to show solara the power of the bible not as a tool for conquest, but as a handbook for living. The book of eli continues hollywoods obsession with postapocalyptic tales, and in many ways feels like it belongs in the same world as the road. The war tore a hole in the sky, the sun came down, burnt everything, everyone, i wandered, i didnt really know what i should do or where i was going. Solara mila kunis, to at least convince eli to spend the night by sleeping with him. We are called to bring the word to where it is safe in the. Carnegie is the main antagonist in the 2010 postapocalyptic film the book of eli. The reason he had to show his hands was to prove that he was not a cannibal. Plot summary for the book of eli 2010, plus mistakes, quotes, trivia and more. They make everything in the entire movie impossible and incomprehensible but, hey, wtf. The book of eli is an effective postapocalyptic action movie with elements from both comic books and westerns thrown in for good measure. The book of eli 2010 frequently asked questions imdb. They make everything in the entire movie impossible and incomprehensible.

He carries a mysterious book, clearly of great importance to him. Eli sneaks out of his room and carnegie has his henchmen shoot at eli, but the bullets seemingly just graze him, as if he is being protected. However, eli proves to be the better man when he gently declines her advances. In the beginning god created the heaven and the earth. He finds shelter where he can and searches for water as he goes. Gary oldman is in talks to star opposite denzel washington in the book of eli. Solara and the book are captured and eli is wounded. With the book of eli, allen and albert hughes have created a.

Spoilers every clue in the book of eli that explains the ending. In the morning, carnegie overhears solara repeat the prayer to her mother, and realizes eli has the book he has been seeking a bible. At around minute eleven eli is shown to be feeling the book with his eyes closed, mouthing what he reads. My final spoilerladen thoughts are about elis condition, my favorite character, and solaras finish. Solara returns to the house and finds that eli is missing. Download it once and read it on your kindle device, pc, phones or tablets. Eli shoots most of carnegies men and hits carnegie in the leg with a shotgun blast. But during their brief interlude, eli introduces solara to the concept of prayer a concept that quickly draws carnegies attention. In the final analysis, eli is us and we are all elis.

However, the sense of manipulation reaches its limit when, once in san francisco where they survive a catastrophe, eli and solara, his female partner in the adventure, access the site from which humans seek to rebuild the lost. The main character, eli, frequently protects the bible with his life, reads from it day and night, and hides its words in his heart and mind. Mila kuniss character is named solara the sun, light, etc. A 2010 postapocalyptic film starring denzel washington, gary oldman, and mila kunis directed by the hughes. One of the first stardriven releases of 2010, the book of eli is a. Eli responds immediately by walking quietly to the door and opening it to show her the way out. Eli sneaks away, but carnegie and his henchmen confront him in the street. Filming is expected to begin in february in new mexico. Watch one of the following movies you will need to obtain the movie on your own. On his voyage, eli meets a number of characters played by big actors. Its the flower of light in the field of darkness thats giving me the strength to carry on.