History of the book of amos in the bible

Amos is a hebrew name and it means to carry or carried. Comprising only nine chapters of oracles, it was judaism. Amos, an older contemporary of hosea and isaiah, was active c. Clicking on a book of the bible will show you a list of all the chapters of that book. This article is about amos, a minor prophet in the hebrew bible and christian bible. He accurately foretold the destruction of the northern kingdom of israel although he did not specify assyria as the cause and, as a prophet of doom, anticipated later old testament prophets. Bible names had meanings, and often, when a prophets name was given to him or her, it described the work that god had called the prophet to do. The days are coming, declares the sovereign lord, when i will send a famine through the land not a famine of food or a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the words of the lord. We find two quotations from the book of amos in the acts of the apostles. Amos lived in the kingdom of judah but preached in the northern kingdom of israel. The city that marched out one thousand people will have one hundred left, and the city that marched out one hundred will have ten left in the house of israel. Watch our overview video on the book of amos, which breaks down the literary. The book of amos amos was a sheepbreeder of tekoa in judah, who delivered his oracles in the northern kingdom during the prosperous reign of jeroboam ii 786746 b.

God raised up the prophet amos, as an act of his great mercy to a. Watch our overview video on the book of amos, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. His given name was prophetically significant to the work that he was called to do. He was a herder of sheep and possibly cattle and a cultivator of sycamore figs amos 1. Not all of the material found in these chapters came from amos himself. Study the bible online using commentary on amos and more. Amos with book summary versebyverse bible commentary.

The book of amos begins and ends with references to an earthquake 1. The god for whom amos speaks is god of more than merely israel. The book of amos is written in some of the finest ot hebrew style. Please expand the article to include this information. As in the book of hosea religion was prospering but faith in the one true god yhwh was on the decline. Because he is allsovereign, the god of israel holds the history and destiny of all peoples and of the world in his hands. While hosea only prophesied regarding israel amos also prophesied concerning the neighbouring nations of israel.

The king james version remains one of the greatest landmarks in the. Amos, the first hebrew prophet to have a biblical book named for him. Amos a prophet of israel amazing bible timeline with. The book of amos is not an easy work to read and understand. Amos is a shepherd and a fruit picker from the judean village of tekoa when god calls him, even though he lacks an education or a priestly background. Book of amos overview insight for living ministries. The prophet amos was a simple shepherd called by god to speak to the northern kingdom of israel. He moved from tekoa in judah to the northern kingdom of israel during the reign of jeroboam ii and prophesied the destruction of the northern kingdom. With amos, the messages of the prophets began to be preserved in permanent form, being brought together in books that would accompany israel through the coming debacle and beyond. The book opens with a historical note about the prophet, then a short oracle announcing yahwehs judgment repeated in the book of joel. Rather, he was a grower of sycamore figs as well as a shepherd amos 7. Amos was a sheepbreeder and tender of sycamore trees. Gods past punishments for unfaithfulness were forgotten, and his patience was at an end which he sent amos to announce. The book of amos is an intriguing scripture from a unique individual, amos, a shepherd and fig tree farmer dwelling in southern judah who is called by god to go to bethel and announce warnings of judgment to the northern kingdom of israel.

He began his prophecies in the days of uzziah king of judah, and in the days of jeroboam the son of joash, the king of israel, two years before the earthquake. The septuagint renders this prophets name as amos was not prophetically trained or endorsed by the church leaders. The book of amos is a prophetic book of the hebrew bible largely dating to the 8th century bce and considered to be scripture by modernday jews and christians. The people of israel had fallen into great sinfulness including idolatry, greed, bad leadership, and injustice to the poor. Prophet amos, gods message and judgments, false worship, israel, hate bad, love good, jehovahs day. The redactions or continued growth of the book of amos has a richer complex literary history that extends into the sixth and fifth centuries b. Amos was a sheepbreeder of tekoa in judah, who delivered his oracles in the northern kingdom during the prosperous reign of. It considers amos as a figure representing social justice, surveys major developments in the critical assessment of the book, and examines the history of the books reception. In this book, amos accuses israel of breaking their covenant with god. Amos was a shepherd before the spirit of prophecy came over him. Book of amos, the third of 12 old testament books that bear the names of the minor prophets, collected in one.

His major themes of social justice, gods omnipotence, and divine judgment became staples of prophecy. The theology of the book of amos old testament theology. Amos, whose name means burden, gives no family pedigree, hence we can assume he was not of noble or prominent stock, like isaiah or zephaniah. For the father of isaiah, a prophet in the hebrew bible, see amoz. He appears on the biblical timeline chart around 750 b. The book of amos, which is the earliest of the prophetic writings to be preserved in book form, consists of nine chapters. Book of amos, the third of 12 old testament books that bear the names of the minor prophets, collected in one book under the jewish canon titled the twelve. In this book, amos accuses israel of breaking their covenant with god and. Editors and copyists added comments to the prophets original oracles that they deemed appropriate in light of events that occurred after his death. He was a herdsman from the village of tekoa, and a dresser of sycamore trees. The prophet amos lived among a group of shepherds in tekoa, a small town approximately ten miles south of jerusalem.

Amos, flourished 8th century bc, the first hebrew prophet to have a biblical book named for him. The scientific and scriptural impact of amos earthquake. This article is missing information about evidence as to whether amos was a historical person. The book identifies the author as the prophet amos, who wrote probably between 760 and 753 bc, during the reign of jeroboam ii in israel.

The book of amos niv audio holy bible high quality and best speed book 30 duration. The book of amos is a prophetic book of the hebrew bible largely dating to the 8th century bce and considered to be scripture by modernday. As such, many peopleand even some christiansbelieve that it is not a reliable source of history. Book of amos read, study bible verses online bible study tools. He prophesied in israel at the great cult center of bethel, from which he was finally expelled by the priest in charge of this royal sanctuary 7. He also uses one nation against another to carry out his purposes 6. Lessons from the book of amos, part i steps to life.

This name was given to amos who carried the messages from god to the people of israel. The book of amos is the third of the twelve minor prophets in the tanakhold testament and. Find out what true worship looks like in the book of amos. More than almost any other book of scripture, the book of amos holds gods. Amos, a judaean prophet from the village of tekoa, was active in the northern kingdom of israel during the reign of jeroboam ii c. And he said, the lord will roar from zion, and utter his voice from jerusalem. Fallen, no more to rise, is virgin israel, deserted on her land, with no one to raise her up.

A song of lament hear this worda funeral songthat i am lifting up against you, house of israel. The apostle james, bishop of jerusalem, in the acts of the apostles 15. He is the great king who rules the whole universe 4. The bible is often regarded as a book of stories based on a primitive peoples understanding of the world around them. The purpose of the book of amos was to announce gods holy judgment on the kingdom of israel the northern kingdom, call them to repentance, and to turn from their selfrighteous sins and idolatry. Amos made clear in his writings that he did not come from a family of prophets, nor did he even consider himself one.

According to the first verse, amos prophesied during the reigns of uzziah over judah 792740 b. He brings prophecies against neighbors of israel, mentioning names and places one can only recognize with the help of maps and reference books. Intro to amos biblica the international bible society. A history of the bible is a book that focuses on the origins of biblical texts and is an interesting foray into biblical it can be used as guidance and a source of wisdom, you can read it for some kind of entertainment, maybe your specific sect deals with the bible as though it was directly inspired by god. Not one of the recognized prophets of israel, nor was he a priest, not even a native of israel but a farmer called of the lord from judah to warn the northern kingdom of the coming judgement. The book of amos, the third of the twelve minor prophets, has been one of the most significant and influential books of the bible from the time it was written 8th century bce down to the 20th century. An ancient earthquake the kings of israel and judah ruled during the period of time designated as the iron age by. The book of amos was likely written between 760 and 753 b.

Interesting facts about amos biblical facts and comments. The book of amos is the third of the twelve minor prophets in the tanakhold testament and the second in the greek septuagint tradition. This amos should not be confused with amoz, the father of isaiah. The words of amos reveal jehovahs mercy towards an unworthy people. About the author john barton is oriel and laing professor of the interpretation of holy scripture, university of oxford. John ahn may 16, 2018 11 comments 9083 views share. Amos was a contemporary of hosea, isaiah, and jonah. In chapters 1 and 2 of amos, there is a unique phrase, for three transgressions of x and for four set against the nations 1. The commissioning of the king james bible took place in 1604 at the hampton court conference outside of london.